What is food mineral?

Minerals are inorganic elements that originate in the earth and cannot be made in the body. They play important roles in various bodily functions and are necessary to sustain life and maintain optimal health, and thus are essential nutrients.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Chlorine deficiency in human body

Chlorine is also essential for the human body as it works in collaboration with sodium. An average adults requires 200 mg of chlorine per day.

Chlorine is necessary for the manufacture of glandular hormone secretions. It also aids in the cleaning out body waste by helping the liver to function. A deficiency of chlorine will contribute to a sluggish liver and glandular and lymphatic swelling.

Chlorine deficiency also weakens the bines and makes the joints stiff. Within balanced diet, it is difficult for chlorine deficiency situations to appear. However, vomiting, chronic kidney disease, renal failure, and respiratory acidosis can lead to chlorine deficiency.

Chlorine is found in cheese and other milk products, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, all berries, rice, radishes, lentils, coconuts and egg yolk.
Chlorine deficiency in human body

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