Manganese is a naturally occurring element and an essential mineral nutrient. Manganese deficiency is very rare in humans.
Manganese helps the body form connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors, and sex hormones. Manganese serves as an essential part of important enzymes, including mitochondrial superoxide dismutase. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation.
A person that does have a deficiency in manganese could experience the following symptoms:
*Bone demineralization
*Slow or impaired growth
*Low fertility
*Abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate and fat
*Impaired glucose tolerance, a state between normal glucose maintenance and diabetes
Other symptoms include: skin rashes, hair depigmentation, decreased serum cholesterol, and increased alkaline phosphatase activity in men; and altered mood and increased premenstrual pain in women.
Rich dietary sources of manganese include nuts and seeds, wheat germ and whole grains (including unrefined cereals, buckwheat, bulgur wheat, and oats), legumes, and pineapples.
Symptoms of manganese deficiency
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